今シーズンの全米決勝に進めるジュニアトップ25を決める大会 in シカゴ.緊張の表彰式.
Award Ceremony announcing top 25 in Junior who are qualified for the US National Championships.
Elena is awarded separately as a non US-citizen.
ジュニア(1998-2000年生まれ)のトップ25に入ったので,アメリカ新体操の最高レベル,Level 10にめでたく昇級.Milaも大喜び.Milaからの一言「ここからがスタートだから」
Elena has advanced to Level 10 as one of the top 25 juniors (born in 1998-2000). Mila is pleased and says “This is the beginning.”
6歳の時に一番下のレベル3からCoach Momと一緒にワークし続け,毎年1レベルずつ昇級.Level 10はティーンエイジャーになったElenaからの母の日プレゼント.
Elena has worked with Coach Mom and advanced level by level each year since 6 years old. Level 10 achievement is a gift from Elena to Coach Mom on Mother’s day.