FIG審判にシカゴから来てもらい,新ルールの演技4種目と申告書を細かくチェック.New routines and forms were examined under the new code of points by an FIG judge from Chicago.
おめでたパーティ(Baby Shower)Baby Shower for the judge
Lesson with Ms. Ana Llorente (Cuban dancer in Atlanta) started for the new code of points for rhythmic gymnastics.
Ms.アナはマンボダンスの元世界チャンピオン.Ms. Ana is a former World Champion in Mambo.
Ms.アナのボレロ.Bolero by Ana Llorente.
Ms.アナのショーダンス.Show dance by Ms. Ana.
Ms.アナ@CNNニュース.Ms. Ana @ CNN News.
Elenaはこれから月2-3回のレッスンが楽しみ.Elena is looking forward her lesson 2-3 times per month
The official new Code of Points for Rhythmic Gymnastics was released on September 19th
3日後の9月22日,フロリダのMs. Milaと新ルールの解釈を話し合い
3 days later, discussion on the new code of points with Ms. Mila in Florida
Finished ball choreography for the new code of points
Decided the color and fabrics for the leotard
Reviewing the new routine in the hotel next morning